Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Opening up Outlook 2010

Will calendar sharing benefit from having the file format for Microsoft Outlook 2010 be open? I don't know. Time will tell.


P. Griffith "Griff" Lindell said...

Hey Scott! I just wish I could CONSISTENTLY get my Outlook 2003 and my iGoogle in sync with my MotoQ - NOW I wish I had become a technologist - just got a new error code for my Ameritrade Account Error Code 1252....I'm too old for this nonsense!


Mike said...

I am a Microsoft Outlook user. I use outlook 2007, I usally get an error in outlook. I read your post, it was really nice and I got lot of knowledge. Do you suggest me to use Outlook 2010, Is that better then 2007 and does it has inbuild pst repair tool. Please suggest.
PST repair