Monday, June 09, 2008

iPhone syncers: Does $99 a year work for you?

Does $99 a year work for you? That's what Apple's new over-the-air MobileMe calendar sync costs. Of course you're paying for a lot besides that, including 20GB of storage. For us who only want calendar sync, we'd like something a bit cheaper. Never buy more calendar sync than you have to, I always say!

So, will Apple allow cheaper competition to MobileMe?


  1. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Buy .mac from Amazon... it's bit cheaper there.

  2. Anonymous11:11 AM

    mobileme falls short in that it allows for synching but not sharing. true sharing would be - multiple people working on the same "shared" calendar, and the changes synched back to everyones devices. some solutions like HyperOffice already allow this. im not paying up apple!
