Monday, November 21, 2005

Microsoft busts a move toward calendar sharing

While Microsoft's products continue to be the biggest calendar-sharing problem, solutions are coming in the form of SSE. I can't wait!

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Saturday, November 19, 2005

Apple needs to do more too

How delightful to read John Welch's critique of Apple's calendaring effort, which could be better:

"While things like iCal, and Web client-only systems may work for a select few, in a modern enterprise it's not going to play. Things like delegation, public folders, real handheld support, instant messaging integration and the rest are not 'highfalutin' options anymore."

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Missing Sync 5.0 marries Palm OS, Mac OS X Tiger

It's good to see the new Missing Sync for Palm 5.0, which should smoooth calendar synchronization between Palm OS devices and Macintosh OS X Tiger.