Tuesday, February 19, 2008

CalConnect: A progress report

As I said on Feb. 8, I was an invited guest to CalConnect Roundtable XI, the absolute worldwide nerve center of calendar interoperability efforts. A variety of organizations, including universities, vendors and service providers, tried out various implementations of CalDAV, realtime Internet scheduling connections between CalDAV and some other calendars, including via MAPI and ActiveSync, and something I had not been aware of, a developing free/busy URL standard. CalConnect isn't releasing details of which technologies were demonstrated at RoundTable XI implementing these standards and proto-standards, but I'm happy to report that some big names were on board. Today, CalConnect released a public slide deck (link updated 2/22/08) summarizing RoundTable XI and the group's progress. If you're interested in the details, check out the slide deck, and if you have any questions or feedback I might be able to address, please submit a comment to this post.

CalConnect needs help urgently in one area. This group needs more participants with security expertise. No one wants calendar systems to be plagued by the spam and malware that afflict email. If you have messaging security expertise, or know someone who does, please get in touch with CalConnect and help out on this critical work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Scott,

Since you're obviously intested in standards, I'd recommend reading "Scalable OpenGroupware.org" by Francis Lachapelle and Ludovic Marcotte at http://www.linuxjournal.com/issue/168


Phil Durbin