Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Help me, ScheduleWorld. You're my only hope

As I face The Decision (whether to upgrade to Outlook 2007 or not) I'm grasping at any available alternative straws. ScheduleWorld may be my last hope, but so far I've not been able to initiate its Funambol-fueled sync between Outlook 2003 and the Web. Maybe it'll work for me tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Hi folks,

I signed up for the ScheduleWorld service some days ago and just one day later I have to notice that someone got unauthorized access to my ScheduleWorld account via syncML. I realized that due to the fact that a new SyncML Device has been added to the list in the preferences section:

This is the original reference in the preferences:
“SyncML Device IMEI:0E....65BB8BEF5 ( Auto-added ) :”

As you might see above the device is a mobile phone.

This person should have known my password and account ID cause …
– neither have I told anyone that I have this new account
– nor have I synced it via a mobile phone cause I haven’t any mobile phone!

I am really upset and concerned about this!

I requested a comment/statement from the ScheduleWorld team via a prior posting in the forum with the consequence that my posting has been just deleted. No comment, no statement from the ScheduleWorld’s side! And this makes me really concerned!

So dear users it’s up to you to make up your own opinion about this security issue!


Anonymous said...

Hi all,

I have posted 3 times in the ScheduleWorld forum with security critical questions, e.g. requesting more details of the company “ScheduleWorld”. in my opinion a simple imprint would be fine and a min. requirement.

Consequence was that my postings has been deleted every time and my account has been also deleted.

Is this normal?! This seems not really trustworthy to me :-(

Unknown said...

This fellow has been posting these same libelous comments as an anonymous coward using different fake accounts for some time.

To the author of this blog: I see this is a moderated blog. Shame on you for supporting online trolls and for promoting libel.

This person is using you and your blog to promote his agenda - which I think is to discredit ScheduleWorld so other folks pick an alternative company (his).

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